My Personal Theory of Writing
I decided to start off my personal theory of writing with a quote."There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed. - Ernest Hemingway"I know that at times it feels like writing is the hardest thing in the world to do. Especially under pressure. This quote though, can be taken a few different ways. Initially when I saw this quote I thought it meant that you would rather slit your wrists and bleed at a typewriter than write, but now I see it as you just sit at a typewriter and write till you bleed losing track of reality. Writing is an act of passion that everyone has the opportunity to partake in. A person doesn't really write, it just happens. When I write I don't feel like it's something I have to do, It's something I want to do. I love to write, and when you write you can create anything. Writing makes the impossible, possible. World's are created, lives are created, and everyone is a little bit different. Everyone's imagination has a slightly different perspective of the picture, but it's whatever you want to be. Writing is an escape and should be taken seriously. When I feel overwhelmed and stressed with everything going on in my life, my only way to let it go is to write. Writing is special. Writing is also honest. Writing holds dreams, hopes, secret feelings that people may be afraid to share. When you write it's almost like wearing a mask, you can be anyone and say anything. The most ideal situation of writing is to be yourself though. It's scary to put yourself out there for the world to see, and probably the reason people are so hurt from criticism is because they're true feelings. A persons writing is how they see the world. That's the way that writing should be though. Writing should be all about you, what you see, how you feel, why you see and feel the things you do. What form you write in says a lot about yourself as well. Should you write a novel? Should you write a poem? should you write a children's book? the possibilities are endless. How big is your imagination? How do you go about writing a personal theory of writing? So many things to consider, so many moves a person can make. One of the greatest feelings is having someone love you're writing, loving what you have to say. Interested in your feelings and opinions on whatever you choose to write about. I suppose you could say my theory of writing would be that there is no bad writing because you're simply putting yourself on paper. Essentially preserving yourself for ages to come, and inspiring others to take the same leap of faith that you did. Pieces of writing carry on a lot longer than a human body and mind can. Pieces of writings are people that can speak without being alive or having a mouth. Nothing really can be bad if it's you. Will you be brave enough to put yourself out there though? Can you take that risk? What if it goes badly? What if you're rejected? What if everything you thought you believed is wrong? What if someone copies you? So many things to think about. Regardless, if you do take the leap you'll never be forgotten.
Just to make sure you're not remembered for horrible grammar and spelling though, here's a quick link to perfect your writing.