Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Who I Am

Well for starters, I wish I could I could figure out how to make the title a little bigger. It's also orange because I didn't want it to be just black and the orange reminds me of pumpkins which I love. The more you read my blog the more you'll understand my strange thoughts, and the fact that I write out all my thoughts not really caring if they sound ridiculous. I assume you don't want to just read a full page of text, but my mom always tells me when you assume you "make an ass out of you and me". It drives me absolutely bonkers when she tells me that, but I'll post some fun stuff about me now. I wish I could draw on this page, that would be fantastic.

This is pretty much what I look like. I don't like to take serious photos, I'm always goofing off and acting like a maniac. This isn't my most ridiculous photo, but I like it.
I really love Jellyfish too, hence the picture above. I also have a tattoo of a Jellyfish on my back which is really cool, but the picture is too big to post. I wonder how long this post can go on. No need to babble though, I shall tell you more about who I am. I like to do weird things that make people uncomfortable and find strange. I also want to travel though, and am going through this International Volunteering organization to Costa Rica for two weeks to work on a Turtle Conservation.  <---Through them.
That arrow didn't really turned out how I planned, but it spices things up a bit so I apologize. I don't really know what to talk about, but I'll give you guys some random facts about myself. 1. I was born on December 27,1994 so I'm a Christmas baby and love everything to do with the season (Especially wearing sweaters, I love sweaters). 2. My favorite color is yellow, and I even painted my bedroom yellow which is not so awesome in the morning when the sun comes up because the light bounces off the walls. 3. I absolutely LOVE cheese, I could eat it for days and not get tired of it. You can never have enough cheese. 4. I have horrible, horrible anxiety that makes me really shy and quiet so it takes a while to really get to know me. Lastly 5. My greatest motivation in life is somebody telling me that I can't do something. It's not the typical oh you can't do it so now I have to do it. No. I will do it. I have determination like no other, and anything that I want or anywhere I want to go, I find a way to make it happen for myself. That's probably the top 5 things you ought to know about me, and now I'm going to stop talking because looking at the blog length I wouldn't even want to read it. So ta ta for now!

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