Friday, November 22, 2013

My Personal Theory of Writing

I decided to start off my personal theory of writing with a quote.
"There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed. - Ernest Hemingway"
I know that at times it feels like writing is the hardest thing in the world to do. Especially under pressure. This quote though, can be taken a few different ways. Initially when I saw this quote I thought it meant that you would rather slit your wrists and bleed at a typewriter than write, but now I see it as you just sit at a typewriter and write till you bleed losing track of reality. Writing is an act of passion that everyone has the opportunity to partake in. A person doesn't really write, it just happens. When I write I don't feel like it's something I have to do, It's something I want to do. I love to write, and when you write you can create anything. Writing makes the impossible, possible. World's are created, lives are created, and everyone is a little bit different. Everyone's imagination has a slightly different perspective of the picture, but it's whatever you want to be. Writing is an escape and should be taken seriously. When I feel overwhelmed and stressed with everything going on in my life, my only way to let it go is to write. Writing is special. Writing is also honest. Writing holds dreams, hopes, secret feelings that people may be afraid to share. When you write it's almost like wearing a mask, you can be anyone and say anything. The most ideal situation of writing is to be yourself though. It's scary to put yourself out there for the world to see, and probably the reason people are so hurt from criticism is because they're true feelings. A persons writing is how they see the world. That's the way that writing should be though. Writing should be all about you, what you see, how you feel, why you see and feel the things you do. What form you write in says a lot about yourself as well.  Should you write a novel? Should you write a poem? should you write a children's book? the possibilities are endless. How big is your imagination? How do you go about writing a personal theory of writing? So many things to consider, so many moves a person can make. One of the greatest feelings is having someone love you're writing, loving what you have to say. Interested in your feelings and opinions on whatever you choose to write about. I suppose you could say my theory of writing would be that there is no bad writing because you're simply putting yourself on paper. Essentially preserving yourself  for ages to come, and inspiring others to take the same leap of faith that you did. Pieces of writing carry on a lot longer than a human body and mind can. Pieces of writings are people that can speak without being alive or having a mouth. Nothing really can be bad if it's you. Will you be brave enough to put yourself out there though? Can  you take that risk? What if it goes badly? What if you're rejected? What if everything you thought you believed is wrong? What if someone copies you? So many things to think about. Regardless, if you do take the leap you'll never be forgotten.
Just to make sure you're not remembered for horrible grammar and spelling though, here's a quick link to perfect your writing.

What I want to Achieve

There are  lot of things I want to achieve in life. I want to have a good job, have a nice car, get married, have kids. The typical American dream. However, I also want to travel the world, do volunteer work, go skydiving, and much more. I have an entire Bucket List of things to achieve in my lifetime. I'm so passionate and dead set on anything I se my mind on. Throughout my life if there has been something I wanted or somewhere I wanted to go, I found a way to get it or get myself there.
"If my mind can conceive it, My heart can believe it, I know I can achieve it!- Jesse Jackson"
This quote is basically me in a nutshell. I  get stuck on some idea in my mind and then put everything I have into it, but I act responsibly as well and don't get too crazy. I've had a guitar phase, an art phase, a penny collecting phase, a plant growing phase, and I'm currently in a travel/longboarding/ archery phase as we speak.  Not performing all those tasks at once though of course. Once achievement that has always been the same for me is traveling to ITALY. I love everything about Italy, especially the food.
Everything to think about when traveling to Italy is on the website posted above. One way or another I will get myself there, and the trip will be amazing.
Once I get to Italy I will eat all these little bad boys I can get my hands on too. Real, authentic cheese stuffed ravioli with alfredo sauce. My favorite dish. Boy I'm hungry...

What I Want to Learn

I'm sorry if the title is a little hard to read. This whole blog is a learning process. Learning how to use the technology, learning about myself, learning about everything. What I want to learn is everything.
"A man's errors are his portals to discovery. -James Joyce"
I like this quote, and believe in it's truth. Some of the greatest inventions and discoveries have come from people's mistakes. The things I like to learn the most though, are the random things people wouldn't usually know. <---Awesome!
The link I just posted is a really random yet intriguing website. All these random little facts about anything and everything!
This website above is also great because I'm always curious as to how things work. I go to extremes to figure out how things work and what's happening around me. An example is that I never let the dentist do anything to me, until he tells me exactly what he's going to do and what tools he's going to use to do it.
Just a funny little picture about the dentist because I was thinking about it. Now back to the topic at hand. I want to learn everything, because everything holds some piece of interest to me. I love learning! For instance. did you know that all of the people in the world, all 7 billion of them, could fit standing side by side in the city of Los Angeles. Crazy right? Keep on learning!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The Most Important Thing I Know <3

The most important thing I know is that I'm never alone. My family and friends will always be there for me no matter what. My entire life I've never been alone, I've never had to be alone and it's probably why I have issues being alone as an adult. I like to surround myself with people, and always have somebody to turn to. Being alone is different than being independent though, and should not be grouped together. Being independent is a choice, and being alone isn't. Humans aren't built to be solitary beings, there's a reason that solitary confinement in prison is a punishment and not a reward to get away from everyone.

When I was growing up my mom always told me that this was her song to my siblings and I. It means a lot to me to hear this song and to be able to know how much my mom loves my siblings and I. I don't care if people think I'm lame or weird for loving my mom so much and having her so involved in my life. I love my mom, and my other parents too.

My Academic Goals

My academic goals are to graduate Boise State University with bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice, and to continue onto Law School. I want to graduate with honors from BSU like my stepdad, and actually try to graduate with higher honors than he did stemming from my competitive nature.
I chose this video clip from Legally Blonde because I really admire this section of the film. The character "Elle" really steps up and becomes serious with studying law at Harvard. My goal law school is Harvard Law School, and I always think to myself well if someone like her can get into Harvard then so can I. I'm not completely delusional though and realize that this is a fictional movie, that in no way representative to what I'm going to have to face. It's more of just a motivational tool and a good movie.
This picture is a more accurate representation of how I imagine I'll feel once I start Law School.
"If Moses had gone to Harvard Law School and spent three years working on the hill, he would have written the Ten Commandments with three exceptions and a saving clause. -Charles Morgan"
I really like the lawyer humor in this quote. Lawyers are a different kind of breed, and have a different mindset when it comes to different situations. They see the loop holes and understand that there's always an exception to everything. People tend to view lawyers  as evil malicious people, but that's a stereotype. It depends a lot upon the person, and I know that there are a lot of genuine lawyers out there. You always hear parents wanting their children to be lawyers and doctors and these prestigious occupations, well I guess I'll make my parents proud :)

Green is a lovely color, and this is My Life AS A Student

Dun dun duh! Hello all, and thank you for returning after my last babble session. This post is all about my life as a student. The top thing about my life as a student is that I procrastinate. In fact This entire blog is due Friday and it's Wednesday and this is only the second post I've done. Ironic isn't it? I think not.
This is basically my life as a student in the picture above. I recognize I have a problem.
I do actually put a good amount of effort into my work once I have reached the crisis stage. It's not all about rushing, although time is a factor, but about doing a good job. This is my freshman year of college. Shocker right? But I have many more years to go with graduate school ahead of me.
Due to my never ending cycle of procrastination, I get very little sleep. I usually get about 3 hours of sleep, and 6 hours is basically sleeping in for me. It also doesn't help that I watch Netflix as I do my homework, and then it becomes just watching Netflix. Another fatal habit to my academic career. I get really good grades though, so I see no reason to change my ways now :)

Who I Am

Well for starters, I wish I could I could figure out how to make the title a little bigger. It's also orange because I didn't want it to be just black and the orange reminds me of pumpkins which I love. The more you read my blog the more you'll understand my strange thoughts, and the fact that I write out all my thoughts not really caring if they sound ridiculous. I assume you don't want to just read a full page of text, but my mom always tells me when you assume you "make an ass out of you and me". It drives me absolutely bonkers when she tells me that, but I'll post some fun stuff about me now. I wish I could draw on this page, that would be fantastic.

This is pretty much what I look like. I don't like to take serious photos, I'm always goofing off and acting like a maniac. This isn't my most ridiculous photo, but I like it.
I really love Jellyfish too, hence the picture above. I also have a tattoo of a Jellyfish on my back which is really cool, but the picture is too big to post. I wonder how long this post can go on. No need to babble though, I shall tell you more about who I am. I like to do weird things that make people uncomfortable and find strange. I also want to travel though, and am going through this International Volunteering organization to Costa Rica for two weeks to work on a Turtle Conservation.  <---Through them.
That arrow didn't really turned out how I planned, but it spices things up a bit so I apologize. I don't really know what to talk about, but I'll give you guys some random facts about myself. 1. I was born on December 27,1994 so I'm a Christmas baby and love everything to do with the season (Especially wearing sweaters, I love sweaters). 2. My favorite color is yellow, and I even painted my bedroom yellow which is not so awesome in the morning when the sun comes up because the light bounces off the walls. 3. I absolutely LOVE cheese, I could eat it for days and not get tired of it. You can never have enough cheese. 4. I have horrible, horrible anxiety that makes me really shy and quiet so it takes a while to really get to know me. Lastly 5. My greatest motivation in life is somebody telling me that I can't do something. It's not the typical oh you can't do it so now I have to do it. No. I will do it. I have determination like no other, and anything that I want or anywhere I want to go, I find a way to make it happen for myself. That's probably the top 5 things you ought to know about me, and now I'm going to stop talking because looking at the blog length I wouldn't even want to read it. So ta ta for now!